Monday, September 10, 2007

Long overdue Update!

Yes, I am still alive! Just been so busy that I haven't had much time to update the blog. Of course yesterday was opening FOOTBALL weekend so that day was filled with big ups as the Vikings WON!! I was impressed on how they played. Sure they have some sore spots but overall I was happy with the outcome. Next week will be the test. We always do horrible against Detroit whether they are good or bad we always have a tough time with them. So I'm crossing my fingers we will be 2-0 after Sunday! Other then that just busy with another garage sale (I think I am done with that for this year)and that takes a lot of time to set up, tag and a wasted day to sit there and hope you get some sales! it was a good day for sales for everyone that had stuff they not longer use anymore and needed to get rid of. Right now I'm watching the Arizona/San Fransisco game. I picked San Fran to win so I have to stay up and cheer for them to win. Then that means that for the week I will have 4 wrong - not good, but not to bad for the first week either.

well, gotta go do some hollering for the 49ers...
